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Interactive note-taking with Solipsis.

Solipsis is a note-taking, journaling & brainstorming app that utilizes machine learning to simulate a chat app. Take notes, talk about your day, bounce off ideas as if you were talking to a real person.


Chat with different Personas.

Bounce ideas off a virtual partner, do some rubber-ducking, quickly jot down notes, vent about your day.


A Private & offline experience.

Solipsis only stores your data locally and does not rely on an external service.


Open-Source (SOON)

Solipsis will be entirely open-source.


This is where a cool blurb would be about how aMAHzing my app is, but considering this is just all for fun, and I haven't yet released this, then I'm just putting this in for the lulz.

AJ - proprietor of this very enterprise.
